I’m a better electrical engineer than cook. And I’m a better software developer than philosopher. So why would an engineer write a rambling collection of cooking tips? And why are engineering management tips mixed in with cooking tips?
Over my years in product development, I’ve noted that the designs for straightforward products using well-known technology have glitches. I think it’s because the engineers that did the design of the previous generation, the ones that came to understand nuances of the design just a bit too late, are now off designing something else they don’t quite understand. So you proceed with the person you’ve got, and the result is usually OK, but sub-optimal.
If you’re reading this collection – I’m the person you got.
- Cooking for the Future? (Design Now, Release Now)
- Double Boilers Are For Sissies (Fail Early, Fail Often)
- Interface Your Food To the Pan (And Orient New People)
- Medium Low Fudge (Seize Authority)
- Motivate Your Cooking
- Regulating With Water (Regulating With Outside Boards)
- Waiting for Things to Be Right? (Don't)