Moongate Financing Letter




August 1999

Dear Alumni and Friends of ASK;

You recently received our ASK Chanticleer II newsletter which included a summary of the minutes of our August 20, 1999 Board meeting. There was good news that plans for the August 19-21, 2000 reunion are underway. David Lee, together with his enthusiastic and capable wife Lorraine, will lead our planning for this meeting. Also the Board accepted the financial challenge of James and Lydia Wang of Ann Arbor, Michigan to match, up to $10,000, contributions to the ASK Association received by the end of the year 2000.

We now need response to the Board’s initiatives, primarily from the ASK membership but also from friends on our mailing list who have become a part of the ASK family in recent years.

We would appreciate a response regardless of whether or not you have continuing interest in ASK programs or plan any financial support. For this reason, enclosed with this letter is a response form and postage paid envelope. Please return the envelope and form even if you simply want to be removed from the mailing list! Incidentally, in order to keep administrative and solicitation costs at a minimum the cost of this mailing is provided privately and is not a part of our regular ASK budget

Completion of the form should be self-evident from the form. Contributor names and contribution amounts will not be disseminated. Allocations among the three ASK financial needs are entirely at each person’s option. We are hopeful that at least $5000 be sent in before the end of 1999. Initial contributions can be included with the form or sent separately. Those who indicate contribution plans for 2000 will be sent a reminder at an appropriate time.

There may be acquaintances of yours or family members who you think would want to participate in this program. If you record their names and addresses on the form in the spaces provided we will send them a copy of this letter and the form.

Thank you for your past support and help in the ASK programs.


David Lindell